Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Raven Mad

There was a bit of excitement yesterday when a Raven turned up in the field opposite the house. It seems that another bird, possibly a Sparrowhawk, had taken a rabbit or other creature and left part of its remains in the field. I noticed a large, black bird having a go at it and immediately sensed that it wasn't a Carrion Crow. Once I had the binoculars on it, my suspicions were confirmed.


Later on, a pair of Buzzards were showing an interest in it too, though they seemed to prefer an area further left of the carnage. I did try to get a few pictures of them, but they were obscured by our sycamore tree, a telegraph pole and a street lamp. Frustrating!

I spent the afternoon and early evening at Upton Warren. A few random pictures follow. Spot of the day was undoubtedly a Jack Snipe at the rear of the flashes.

Teal and Little Ringed Plover

Jack Snipe


Little Ringed Plover



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